Prasat Preah Vihear temple is located in Svay Chrum village, Kantuot commune, Choam Ksan district, on the ridge of Dangrek mountain (800 x 400 square meters).  The mountain is very steep from the Cambodian side and slopes from the Thai side.  The temple of Preah Vihear is 405 km from Phnom Penh, but if you travel from the provincial town of Preah Vihear is only 108  Only kilometers by road 211 to Choam Ksan district.  At Phnom Dangrek, there is a ladder that allows one to reach the top of the mountain, which is the location of the temple of Preah Vihear.

Important dates

: June 15, 1962: The Temple of Preah Vihear was ruled by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in Cambodia to be the winner between Cambodian-Thai dispute over Preah Vihear temple.

July 7, 2008: UNESCO decides to inscribe Cambodia's Preah Vihear temple on the World Heritage List at its 32nd session In Quebec City, Canada.

History of the Preah Vihear Temple

According to research from various Khmer historical documents, the Temple of Preah Vihear has been built of stone since the reign of King Suryavarman I Suryavarman I reigned in the first half of the 11th century. The highest temple site is 615 meters (English documents) or 625 meters (French documents).

The history of the construction of the Temple of Preah Vihear is found on the Khmer inscription at Baphuon Temple in Siem Reap Province, No. 583: The person who wrote the inscription was named Hari Itah during the reign of King Rajindravarman, 944 to 968 AD. They are written in Sanskrit and Khmer. It is written that there was a prince named Indrayuth who took a penis named Srey Sikhak Risvara and took it. Here is the temple of Preah Vihear. It is written that he was very strong.

He had the power to go to war with the Cham king and capture that Cham king again. For this inscription, historians think that there is no other inscription about the battle to capture the Cham king, but The king he captured was probably not the Cham king who ruled the entire Cham country. Probably a small king who ruled a kingdom bordering Cambodia.

Prince Indrayuth

A brief biography of Prince Indrayuth: "Prince Indrayuth, when he was old, he went to study Dharma at Ling Bo is a pagoda in the south of Laos today. Then he built a penis out of stone, a piece of a large penis. That penis is called Srey Sikhak Risvara. He took this penis and kept it at the Preah Vihear temple. The name Ling Srei Sikhak Risvara, later years later, was often called for the name of the penis and the name of this temple. Therefore, those who come to the temple of Srey Sikha Risvara, the stone is a piece that is on the penis at Wat Phu. It is kept at the temple of Preah Vihear, Prince Indrayuth. At that time, scholars who studied the inscriptions and temples of Preah Vihear assumed that there may not be as many places as there are today. This is not.

Brahman Photo Arts kronor Mahendra doctorate

according to the text inscriptions at Temple No. 381, written in English and Sanskrit, adding That there was a Brahmin named Tappa Swinbandit who was an important person in relation to the history of the temple of Preah Vihear. There is a hermitage on the site of the Preah Vihear temple. During the year 1024, he received a hammock, horns, gold and many other valuables from King Suryavarman I because But he was grateful to Takpak Swindra, the doctor, for taking care of the penis of the deity Srey Sikkha Risvara.

King Suryavarman I believed very much, according to the inscription. He believes that the penis named Srey Sikhak Risvara, which was made from Wat Phu, was kept at the temple of Preah Vihear This penis always shows great miracles for you to see. He did not have time to go to worship the penis, only Tbak Svintra Bandit, he did and he asked to try Keep doing that for the benefit of you and Cambodia. The words in the inscription confirm and confirm, the prince worked very hard. Those who remained in the temple of Preah Vihear at the beginning of the first century of the reign of King Suryavarman I were very numerous, not There are only Brahmins, some of them are soldiers of the nearby villages, they have their village names, but some villages do not know Where the location is, but at the foot of the mountain can climb up the mountain. All are worshipers, those who help do this, do that to take care of it. So King Suryavarman I asked you to bring all of you to swear to do the right thing. Not just our servants do as they please.

What are those oaths? That oath is there, if you swear to guard the temple, you will surely guard the temple. If you take care of the temple, you will take care of the temple. If you are the guardian of the temple, you are the protector of all the servants, even in the temple you need to be protected. After all, even if they go to work outside the temple, for example, to work in the fields, herding cows outside the temple must also protect them. Also. And he protects the rebels from harming them. Therefore, this oath is not the same as the oath that the officials called the sheriff to swear to him, which was inscribed on the gate of the Vimean Akas temple. In Angkor, it is not the same. This is our oath, we have decided that we are still serving the deity Sikkha Risvara on this mountain of Preah Vihear.

Srey Sok Rama

Among the people who still serve the penis of the goddess Srey Sikkha Risvara, there was a man named Srey Sok Rama is an important person. Srey Sok: This Rama has his family as the custodian of Khmer historical documents since the King of Cambodia, stories related to history, civil affairs and stories. Various handicrafts from the pre-Angkorian period, such as Srey Sbavarman to Srey Suryavarman, are all written down. . Leave it at the temple of Preah Vihear and leave it at another temple which is today at the temple north of Phnom Dangrek. He was brought to say that he was the right person to help clean up and prepare to respect Srey Sikharisvara.

King Suryavarman I was a Theravada Buddhist. He still respects Iso, because in this inscription it is said that in order to temporarily demarcate his power, he was made to The four penises, each of which has the same name, are Suryavarmisvara, the Iso, which is called Suryavarman.

One penis was kept in Battambang province, Wat Ek, named Chey Kset on the western border.

At the northern border is another penis of the same name that is kept in the church, temporarily defining the boundaries of the power of He is in the north.

There is another one left on Phnom Sorya Tri, Phnom Preah Iso, Phnom Iso in Takeo today South side.

- And there is another penis of the same name, which is kept in Isan Tirathak, probably along the Mekong River, probably in Kratie, Stung Treng. These four penises were taken in all four directions in AD. 1018. This is what King Suryavarman I did for the temple of Phnom Preah Vihear.

Brahmin Day: Or Day

Inscription on Phnom Sankaka No. 194 In Phnom Preah Vihear, number 383 says a lot about a Brahmin named Tavak or Tivakara: . Why did this Brahmin serve the Khmer king from a young age since the reign of King Udayak Tithvarman II? two that he built the Baphuon temple and until the reign of King Suryavarman II. He was given the title of the greatest Brahmin, a personal adviser to King Suryavarman II, and he was appointed chief Brahmin. For all the kings, all the kings. The significance of the inscriptions related to the temple is that he was in charge of the order from Suryavarman II to all the property. For all the temples in Cambodia, he manages. Most of the wealth that the Brahmins received as a gift from the king included gold jewelry. As a precious diamond and a medium value item, he offered it to the goddess Srey Sikkha Risvara. Therefore, for this temple of Phnom Preah Vihear, which has the deity Srey Sikkha Risvara, the Brahmin named Tivakara: He has work for the temple of Preah Vihear.

Brahmin Day: Or this day he went to build various deities, he gave the land of his village, he threw the border, he gave troops for any village Needed for how to be able to take rice, bring rice to be sacrificed for various ceremonies in this temple. And at that time, he received a golden bowl as a reward from King Suryavarman II, he took it to the goddess Srey Sikhari Monkey. At the time of the new year, he also worked for the deity Srey Sikhak Risvara, he took the bronze to lay in the middle of the temple, which is understood That the temple at the top of the mountain and take a plate made of gold from silver to use in the temple to have animals to have As a slave. After that, he repaired various buildings. In the Kingdom. So the sacrificial side

Purpose of building the temple of Preah Vihear

The temple of Preah Vihear was built for a special purpose, different from the construction of the temple of Angkor Wat Vishnu, Baphuon temple, commemorates Iso. The temple of Preah Vihear was built to be the place where the penis of the goddess Srey Sikkha Risvara was kept because of the belief in God Yes, Suryavarman I, especially Suryavarman II, he still supports the idea that this deity is very great. Therefore, it is necessary to pray and worship absolutely. The location of this Phnom Preah Vihear temple:

The first is to keep the deity Srey Sikkha Risvara, sometimes they write Srak Svara, sometimes they write Sikkha Risvara, but is Single name. It is a place where they are kept because this deity who has a penis as a representative is very powerful. It is believed that bringing fruits brings happiness to Cambodia.

Second, the temple of Phnom Preah Vihear, this place is not a place for the king to live. There is no village for the people. There is only a place for priests to come and perform rituals and to help continue this worship. If invited, check the temple next to the third gate, from the bottom to the third gate, there is an inscription No. 381 is suspected to be the place where he was ordained as a Brahmin to continue the work of worshiping and caring for the deity. Srey Sikha Risvara continued. Therefore, the temple of Phnom Preah Vihear is different from other temples.

The construction phase of  Preah Vihear Temple has three major stages:

- Historians suspect that in the time of Prince Indrayuth, the hermitage was probably made of wood.

But in the reign of King Suryavarman I, the mountains were cleared, the rocks were used as stairs, and the way up the mountain And use mountain rocks to build various temple sites in the territory of Preah Vihear temple.

Then, during the reign of King Suryavarman II, it was thought that the temple of Phnom Preah Vihear was better built. In the middle of the 12th century. King Suryavarman II was the one who built the temple of Angkor Wat in Siem Reap today.

The construction of the temple of Preah Vihear

, from the lowlands from the road up to the temple on the highest mountain is to walk. Climb the stairs with a total radius of 804 meters. Before ascending from the lowlands to the temple on the top of the mountain, one has to go through five gates. The site of the temple on the highest peak is 525 meters high. The main temple is 35 meters by 45 meters, which is suspected to be the place to store the penis of the goddess Srey Sikhari. Monkey.

- First, from our normal land, from the ground, at the foot of the Dangrek mountain, we came up there, a distance of 54 meters, they made All the stairs have 159 steps. We climbed the stairs and made a slight slope of 25 meters to the first gate.

Note 1: If you have a book written in French or English, they count in reverse, they count from the first largest temple to the side. Original.

After the first gate, travel up the stairs for another 244 meters. The stairs are anchored on both sides of the walkway to the second gate. At the second gate, there is a statue of the sea of ​​milk, the creation of the world. On the left hand side there is a pond. This pond is very important because when the King of Thailand, King Bhumibol Adulyadej came to the throne. On June 9, 1946, Thailand brought water from the pond to celebrate the Thai King's wedding in Bangkok, Thailand. Thailand.

Up again, a distance of 150 meters, there are always anchors along that road. On the left hand side, there are small temples, so 150 meters to the third gate there is a stone Inscriptions about the construction of the temple are in the reign of King Suryavarman I, probably the place where you go to venerate them To learn the Dharma there, enter through the third gate.

Between the third gate and the fourth gate there is a walkway of about 40 meters. This 40-meter-long walkway, which has the body of a dragon, looks like a recipe and is anchored along this road. We followed the path of the dragon and came to the fourth gate. Arriving at the fourth gate, the temple faces north. To the west or to the right there is a building, on the left there is none. Large eels stay or perform rituals at that place.

The distance from the fourth gate to the fifth gate is about 40 to 50 meters. You have to walk through this fifth gate to reach the last temple, which is located on the highest peak. The site of the temple on the highest peak is 525 meters high. This is the place where the penis is said to be the deity of the temple of Preah Vihear, if we think only of the last big temple. It is only 35 meters by 45 meters and if we walk to the back of the temple, be careful because it is the end of the mountain.That accusation is over. So, in the latter case, they may have left the penis of a deity named Srey Sikkha Risvara. By 2008, there was a lot of loss, a lot of destruction, what is still left today, we look at the lovely sculptures. Finally, because it is so beautiful.